FSP Exclusive: Activity Drives Opportunity

The PT Services Group

New activity elevates every other piece of your sales pipeline.

Aggressive, exponential growth is attainable with the right approach and the right kind of activity.


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Activity Drives Opportunity

Learn how to supercharge your pipeline with the steady fuel of new opportunities.

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Experienced advisors know that an effective sales pipeline is comprised of multiple pieces, and that when designed effectively, those pieces support each other and wring every drop of revenue possible out of the opportunities you uncover. While most advisors have their own take on the sales pipeline structure and how they execute individual initiatives, most sales pipelines look something like this:

  • Outreach to cold prospects
  • Appointments with potential prospects
  • Referrals from existing clients
  • Relationships with key centers of influence
  • Robust backend system
  • Follow-up system designed to increase wallet share with current clients

To be clear, all of these pieces matter, but the most important pieces for driving your business are closest to the front: outreach to cold prospects, appointments with potential prospects, referrals from existing clients, and relationships with key influencers.

Activity Drives Opportunity

Eric Schmidt, the 100th richest person in the world with a resume that includes work at Google and Apple, once said, “Revenue solves everything.”

When you have money consistently coming in the door, few problems are too big to tackle. You can hire new staff. You can bring in experts. You can outsource the work you aren’t good at or don’t particularly want to do. As long as the business is moving forward, you will likely have the resources and the morale to handle new challenges. When new revenue (from completely new clients) stops coming in—despite how much momentum and power consistent revenue gives a business—a strange thing happens.

Advisors, or business owners in general, turn their attention to almost everything but finding new business.

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