Growing Your Business in Chaos

The PT Services Group

Industry disruption creates new opportunities for client acquisition.

While your competitors wait out the storm, you can leverage new opportunities for growth and expansion.


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Finding Success in Chaos

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Even though we can’t predict exactly what disruption or change will bring, we can look to past events to predict how much of the industry will react. Knowing this, you can lay the groundwork for capturing new opportunities well-before the dust settles. Here’s what you can expect during times of chaos:

  • Big clients will be motivated to explore new options
  • New products or services can become key competitive advantages
  • Competitors will reduce their activity to wait out the storm
  • Entirely new markets can become available

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Finding Success in Chaos

We don’t yet have the information we need to create a specific plan for everything that 2016 might hold, but you can already start to prepare by thinking critically about your mindset. When it comes to obstacles and challenges, in general, how do you approach them? Do you go on the offensive to seek out the opportunity in the chaos or do you sit back and wait for the dust to settle?

The safest path might feel like the latter option: buckling down and waiting for every unknown to shake itself out so that you can look at the big picture with absolute clarity. It feels like it has the lowest risk. After all, if you aren’t making big moves (the thinking goes), you are less likely to expose your business to harm.

Big mistake, and we can look back to a classic lesson from John D. Rockefeller to understand why.

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