Proximity Based Marketing
Top 10 List – We have a client who has been with PT for well over 10 years who is using this approach. The concept is simple. They build a list of existing, quality and known relationships in the community. Ten is not a hard and fast number, this approach works with three or 23 as well. PT then builds a list of prospects within proximity to the existing relationship and then we engage with the prospects. We want to be clear that we are sensitive to concerns that this may be perceived as a recommendation. When we connect, we simply state that we are working with one of their neighbors and give the company name. That’s it. It’s that simple. We do not position it as an endorsement, just that we are solely working with their neighbor. We have experienced a significant increase in appointments using this approach. What’s particularly interesting is that all our clients could use this approach, it is not unique to any call or business type.
Sound Generational Wealth, is a financial planning firm located in Branford, CT The firm offers specific financial advice for all stages of their clients careers, as well as expertise in all facets of corporate financial planning – from succession planning to employee compensation and retention, and more.
In the six months since implementing the approach PTSG has procured appointments at 3 times the rate as prior to implementation. In just 5 ½ months, the number of meetings Sound Generational Wealth has had scheduled on their behalf has already surpassed the prior years production. The rate at which scheduled meetings are held has increased 12% because of the Proximity Based Marketing approach.
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