Bruce and Jordan Johnston, the father/daughter team behind Two Dogs Social, talk to John Pojeta. They share how their company works with advisors to elevate their profiles and maximize business growth on social media platforms. Experts in the sector, they share working through compliance issues, among other challenges unique to the field.
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Guest Bio:
About Two Dogs: Two Dogs Social was founded in 2016, by a Millennial and a Baby Boomer who share a passion for leveraging social media, specifically LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to accomplish client acquisition, client retention and revenue goals. After nine years of observing social media move from fad to an integral part of Financial Advisors, RIA and other regulated industry professionals’ DNA; we recognized a clear gap in how successful professionals leverage social media. After five years of meeting with thousands of those professionals at their desktops, Two Dogs Social is now positioned to work individually with you to “Give you a leg up” on your competition.
D. Bruce Johnston is Co-Founder of Two Dogs Social, a social media consultancy firm focused on educating Financial Advisors on how to leverage LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook for client
acquisition and retention. From 2010 until 2020 he served as Social Media Consultant to Delaware Funds by Macquarie working closely with their Regional Directors and National Accounts Teams, providing social media guidance, guidance delivered within the compliance guidelines of the various firms, to help Financial Advisors, Registered Investment Advisors and DCIO advisors leverage the world of Social Selling through LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to get more leads, prospects and clients.
Since 2016 he and his firm Two Dogs Social have served as Social Media Consultants to Retirement Plan Advisory Group (RPAG) and their 3,500 plus members. In this capacity he and his firm provide members of the Retirement Plan Advisory Group (RPAG), an alliance of accomplished defined contribution advisors in the U.S. representing 60,000 retirement plans, 6 million plus
participants through 425 elite member firms with $700 billion in collective Assets Under Influence, guidance on how to leverage the tools and content RPAG provides in their digital marketing
He is a 30-year financial services career sales executive. Prior to his role as a Social Media Advisor he held the position of President & CEO of Old Mutual Investment Partners, charged with the distribution of the firms affiliate manager mutual funds and separately managed accounts. He also held the same positions at Sentinel Investments and Gartmore Global Investors, the former asset management division of Nationwide Insurance. He has been recognized as Institutional Investor’s Mutual Fund Marketer of The Year for his transformational distribution.
Podcast Transcript:
John Pojeta: Hi everyone. John Pojeta here with the PT Services Group. Hope we’re doing well. And welcome back to season two of the PT Buzz. And we kick off with an episode in a conversation with Bruce and Jordan Johnston from Two Dog social. And what they do is they help specifically advisors others as well. But really in that advisor network work within their LinkedIn behaviors and growth. And it’s about building your brand. It’s about building your audience. So who you connect with and making sure they’re people that you really wanna engage with. It’s about consistency when it comes to posting and sharing, but doing so in that very thoughtful manner, not just throwing information out there, staying in that thought leadership realm and providing great content to your audience, build your brand consistently and make sure you stay within compliance.
They have that compliance awareness. They understand the boundaries, what you can and what you can’t do. So it’s a great conversation for those that are looking to expand their LinkedIn side of things. Maybe you’re struggling to manage it yourself. And you’re looking for a partner who can really help you do it the right way.
Hope you enjoy the conversation without further ado. I have Bruce and I have Jordan Johnston with Two Dog social.
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Podcast Transcript:
Bruce Johnston: We appreciate, yeah, of course. Very excited to be here.
John Pojeta: No, thank you very much. Appreciate you taking the time. Just for everybody’s edification. I am sitting outside today.
So if you get some odd background noise, I apologize. I’ve got a house full of COVID people. So any oddities of birds or what have you, my apologies there. So, so let’s start with some basics. Can, can one of you kind of tee us off, tell us a little bit about two, Two Dogs, kind 32nd commercial side. And what each of you.
Bruce Johnston: Yeah, John Two Dogs we’ve been in business, I guess, for about six years and what it is it’s it was because of traveling the country working with financial advisors on their social media. Strategies and implementing those strategies that we decided we can help on an individual basis.
So we’ve spent inordinate amount of time if you will working with the various platforms that our advisors have to use. So we understand those intimately and what we do is we help ’em with the strategy. Implement that strategy. And on a daily basis, we’ll go into their accounts. We’ll post content for them.
We’ll invite people to connect with them. We’ll send thank yous for connecting and try to lead them down the funnel to a meeting. And the one thing that we don’t do and we’d pass it off to PT is actually make a call. Gotcha.
John Pojeta: Jordan. What about on your side?
Jordan Johnston: So Ruth is really the brains of that operation.
I came in and realized that advisors are needing help with their branding. So we work a lot with building websites, logos branding, personal content. So that’s kind of my side is I come in and I’m more of the design aspect. So if you need anything from logos to business cards, materials, websites, PDFs, all of it. That’s where I stand.
John Pojeta: Got it. So, so first one of the things you mentioned, you, you said platforms, I know you and I have historically talked about LinkedIn. Talk about some of the other platforms that you work with advisors on.
Bruce Johnston: Well, we work with Facebook business pages and, and of course, John, these are, you know, subject to what the firm will allow the advisor to use.
Sure. So the Twitter Facebook business page is LinkedIn. And there are a couple firms out there now that are experimenting with Instagram.
John Pojeta: Interesting. Anybody doing anything with TikTok yet?
Bruce Johnston: Not that I’m aware of. They may be on the personal side, but not on the professional side firms. Aren’t you know, allowing that yet.
John Pojeta: Yeah, I, I think that’s a great point that should bring up, but I’m sure it applies on your side too, Jordan, with, with more that development of the brand, what, what you alluded to there, Bruce is the reality of compliance and what they’re allowed to do and, and working with them. Can you, I, I guess, can you share a little bit about how you work with advisors there?
Because I think a lot of advisors immediately go to needing to cross that off their mental list before they’ll get too involved. Can you, can you spend a few. Yeah,
Bruce Johnston: well, you know what we do and Jordans is the, the master at this too, is we encourage them to do videos. And our biggest hurdle working with advisors on the videos is that they automatically freeze.
And they think that they have to bring in MGM and paramount C. And we said, well, the most powerful tool that you have in your toolbox is called an. And all you need to do is put that on your desk and give us a 30 minute to 62nd you know, overview of your business or whatever a specific topic might be hot at that time.
And we’re finally getting advisors to do that. You’re getting over the fear of flying.
John Pojeta: Yeah, Jordan, can you expand on that a little bit in the sense that we, we see advisors frequently struggle with that line of they don’t do anything or it has to be absolutely perfect. Like Bruce was talking about, there’s not that willingness to say, Hey, it’s, it’s 80% of the way there.
Let’s get it out there and let’s keep refining as we go. Can you talk about that a little bit?
Jordan Johnston: Yeah. I mean, that is such a huge part. You know, I get a lot of questions. Okay. What microphone do I need? What, you know, what stand do I need? And you don’t, you don’t need those materials at all. And what I love that we do at Two Dogs is we hope you craft your message.
So, okay. You need to be on in front of a camera, but we’ll sit here and we’ll help you walk through, you know, your story that you’re trying to share. So that’s really, I think the most important part is making sure that your message is. Everything else can be outside with the birds in your office. Whatever you need, you know?
So that’s, that’s where I love, you know, helping is, is really crafting your message with your brand. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but we’ll help you get it there.
Bruce Johnston: I think John, along those lines is that the, the. We can modify over time. And also sometimes being human really is, is benefits. You, it works to your advantage when a client or a potential client sees you speaking and you flu up or you do something, they go, oh, that person’s human.
Just like me. This is not scripted. I want to talk with that.
Jordan Johnston: Exactly or just, like you said, being at your home office, being with your kids in the background, it doesn’t have to be you in a suit and tie you know, be yourself because that’s what people are drawn to.
John Pojeta: Yeah. Not having everything choreographed and built in that frame and just, just showing that genuineness and the willingness to, to, to your point, Bruce and, and Jordan being human and, and it’s okay.
We all do the same things every day. Absolutely. And we’re not perfect. So. All right. So one of the fascinating things I think when we first met Bruce maybe five or six years ago, when I first question to you was all right. Explain the name. So , can you tell me a little bit about the origin story on the name and how the, the business came.
Jordan Johnston: This is my favorite. I’m gonna take this one over.
Bruce Johnston: honestly, I’ll fill in the blanks. Yeah.
Jordan Johnston: So the name Two Dog social, we are huge into rescue animal lovers, dog lovers, specifically. My dad has many stories where I’ve had him, you know, drive me out to different parts of Oklahoma to pick up stray animals.
But so what they say is that if you have a dog with anxiety, you need to bring in another dog, a friend to kind of help ease their anxiety, ease their worries. Well, were your second. When it comes to social media, we help piggyback. We help you design, create your brand. So that’s where we kind of come in.
And I think that was just kind of what clicked for us. And then, you know, Two Dogs has kind of turned into three for , you know, grown a little bit over the years, but it’s always, you know, back to that second dog. So that’s where we come in and help .
John Pojeta: Nah, very cool. My, my wife owns a little business. Walking and caring for people’s dogs as they travel and can be there during the day.
So, oh, that’s so cool. I love that. That’s very good. Got a lot, got a lot of love for that, where we’ll get the clue on, Hey, somebody needs me to pick up a straight dog and we’ll find, and it’ll be here for a week. And so I love that.
Jordan Johnston: And we, we try to also you know, Portions of our you know, funds. We try to, you know, give to shelters, local shelters in need.
We do a lot of donations throughout the year as well. You know, from our clients help. So we’re, we’re very big into giving back.
Bruce Johnston: Yeah. Jordan actually orchestrated organized a 5k run in our local community here in Oklahoma to benefit the local shelter. And we didn’t see, we, we thought if we had, you know, friends and families show up, that would be 10 people.
And I think it, we had two or 300 people show up and raid $5,000 or so for the local shelter. So it was really pretty cool. Very cool.
John Pojeta: Big day for a local shelter that’s for sure.
Jordan Johnston: Yeah. Small town, local shelter was huge.
John Pojeta: So, so let’s go, let’s talk a little bit about advisors and, and there’s two interesting things we’ve always found is one advisors are not big fans of marketing.
That’s not why they got in the business. They got in the business to advise, to sit across from somebody, share wisdom, help people implement. Change the lives. That’s why they got into it. But the reality is the only time they have the opportunity to do that is they market and they sell their services.
And so can you talk a little bit about some of the struggles advisors go through as you engage and some of the hurdles they need to overcome and ways that I guess you help people get maybe that 80% they’re comfortable enough to engage, get past the, their, their own head trash as we like to call it and, and get going and start to see some, some impact.
Bruce Johnston: I, you know, John it’s, it’s interesting working with these guys, first of all, we sit down with them and we talk with them about their, their target audience. You know, who are they? Who are they focused on? What, you know, is it the Csuite? Is it the employees or whatever the case might be. We get over that hurdle and then.
We talk about content, what type of content that we wanna have out there. The other hurdle that we have with them is that this is about building your brand as much as it is about creating leads. I would think if we delineated the two businesses, PT services and Two Dog social, we would lead them to you and you would make the phone.
On behalf of the advisor we don’t, we don’t do that. We just don’t want to put ourselves in that position. So that’s the hard part working with the advisors that getting them comfortable with. Okay. We’re gonna put messages out there. I’m okay with that. And then what we do and we’ve found over the time is that we’d like to meet with them.
We, we have one client, that’s been a long time client. We meet with him twice a week. It’s too much. Okay. But one, but that’s what he likes. And so that’s what we do, you know? And, and now we’ve got it down to instead of 30 minute calls. It’s a, it’s a few, five minutes, 10 minutes, something like that. Cover the bases and then we’re onto, but meeting is important once every other.
Is preferable to just talk about it because most advisors, to your point earlier, they’re thinking about leads clients. They’re not thinking about what it takes to get your brand out there to get the, your firm’s brand out there. And you get a comfort level created with clients before they’ll talk with you.
John Pojeta: Sure. Well, I think Jordan, one of the really hard parts about what you do is. There’s not a, there’s not a short term clock on what you do. It it’s patience. It’s long term absolutely comes with time and that can be hard for somebody who’s, you know, we live in that urgency addicted world of what happens.
Now, I put up a billboard today. I wanna see leads tomorrow. You know, there’s part of that, that element to, can you talk about how you help them? Sort of that patience hurdle and understanding the long term value in what you do. Oh yeah, of
Jordan Johnston: course. One thing that we, as Bruce mentioned is we’re always monitoring what’s going on social.
So we’re able to once a week discuss, okay, these are the wins we’ve connected with X amount of clients you’ve reached out to X amount of or potential leads, excuse me. So that way they can see the value. Okay. We’re actually getting out there. My message is getting out there, you know we also post on LinkedIn, so you’re able to see how many people have liked how many people.
Commented. So seeing those little wins, you know, growing and snowballing into the big, you know, obviously end goal of elite I think really helps kind of see the whole process playing out. And that’s what Bruce and I we’ve really developed that over the years is what, what is the best way to visually see these little goals, you know, turn into big actions.
And I think that’s. Been the best thing for us and for our clients.
John Pojeta: Yeah. I, I, I think one of the things in, in combination with what Bruce touched on with that regular interaction with them, it gives you that opportunity to reinforce, review those measures and kind of keep them on course, if you will, which yeah.
Jordan Johnston: But also, you know, it helps build our relationship as they get to understand who we are and we get to understand their voice. As Bruce mentioned, we have some clients that we. Speak with them with you once a month, because they’ve gotten comfortable with how you know, we write for them. We we’ve kind of taken their voice and, and put it out, you know, onto social media.
So I think that’s just as important as really, you know, building that relationship between us and them as well.
Bruce Johnston: Gotcha. Gotcha.
John Pojeta: So I, I know in our space, if, if we build a sort of a PT client profile, In theory, we can say, well, we can help anybody, but in reality, it kind of narrows itself over time. Can you, can you talk a little bit about the typical advisor or somebody listening in?
That’s trying to say, do I see myself in people that work with Two Dogs? Talk a little bit about that profile of the advisor and the, and I guess the, the type of advisor you tend to work with.
Bruce Johnston: You know, that’s, it’s interesting, John, we have them from all walks of life. You know, there isn’t like the quintessential advisor, I guess if you, if you wanna step back from that and then say, okay, it would have to be somebody that.
Understands, they need to build their brand. And that being affiliated with a large broker dealer, isn’t building their brand, it’s building the brand of the broker dealer. Now, how do you carve yourself out? And so that’s what we talk with them about. And we have had. Clients that are young and we’ve had clients that are in their seventies.
So we, we run the gamut there and explaining to them how we can help ’em. So it’s just, it’s just like, like cookie cutter. And, and then we’ll do things like to back to Jordan’s point, there was like, yesterday, for example, we have a client that said, you know what, I need to post this. Would you post it for me?
Of course we post it. And then we come back and we. Well, you know what, it’s only been posted for two hours, but there’s been 400 impressions already on LinkedIn mm-hmm and the client goes, is that good? I said, well, you only have 75 followers. OK. On LinkedIn. So think about that. And, and what we did, what we did to magnify.
Or give that piece lift as we called out some of the firms and one of the firms that they were working with, it was very important. We, and to connect with a lot of their executives. So their executive saw it in the firm, saw it and that got to boost good stuff.
John Pojeta: So one of the, one of the aspects, I, I talked a little bit about our, our kids over the years got involved with walking dogs and doing things like that. We talked to a lot of groups, a lot of the advisor groups we work with are family run, obviously. So as Two Dogs, can you, can you talk a little bit about the family run aspects side of Two Dogs, the advantages, the struggles, and, and kind of how it plays well for the two of you.
Jordan Johnston: You know, we we’re laughing at this question with me having a three month old. That’s the biggest struggle is me showing up for work. that that’s the struggle, but no, but all seriousness you know, Bruce and I he’s been my best friend since day one. So you know, we’ve always loved working together. So when we decided to start Two Dog social, there hasn’t been many struggles except for when I don’t show up for work.
But you know, with us starting our business it’s, it’s been such a. Experience working with him. And I’ve learned so much that I don’t think we really had many family struggles. It does help that I’m in Dallas and he’s in Oklahoma. So we don’t have to go into an office every single day that he still, I, you know, we speak every hour you know, about everything that’s going on.
So in reality, I don’t think we have many family struggles. You know, when it comes to that And would you have anything add Bruce?
Bruce Johnston: No, I, you know, I, I say the same thing and then, you know, we do deal John with a lot of family run businesses from a financial advisor standpoint. And I think over the years, I may have detected frustration from a couple of, or one of the clients that we work with, but it was just a, you know, a, a minor, real quick thing.
And everything else came together and it was between those two. And you could tell that there was some, you know, some ANGs between the two of them, but they worked it out, you know? So for the most part, the, you know, the family operations on the financial services side with advisors, they’re, they work pretty good.
They’re pretty streamlined. And I think a lot of that is because. Of the industry that we’re in. I mean, they’re, they’re focused on working with their clients, doing the best they can for their clients, and they understand their guard rates that they have to work with. And, and I, and I think that was one of the things that, that Jordan learned early on is, you know, compliance you know, what is that, you know?
And it’s like, well, and for those that aren’t in the financial services industry, it’s kind of like, Hmm. You know, compliance. So what, but it is a serious thing within our industry. So that was one thing that she had to, she learned.
Jordan Johnston: And it’s funny because there’s times now that I’ll tell Bruce, no, you, you can’t say that.
No, that’s not now it’s me. Nope. You can’t do that. Bruce one, the one with 30 plus years of experience.
John Pojeta: yeah. Yeah. Well, and I think what’s also tough about that is every company does it a little bit differently. And, and some are narrow on certain things and wide open on others. And so it gets amplified in, in that regard.
Bruce Johnston: So, but yeah, and we see that across the board done with the various firms. So we we’ve made it. You know, one of the things that we have to understand is that, you know, X, Y, Z firm, maybe a, B, C firm there’s nuances there. And we understand those nuances. And in fact, we talk with some advisors and they go, gee, I didn’t realize I could do.
You know, and yes, yes, you can be because, you know, in our business, social media kept, got off on the wrong foot because it was like, here it is. Leverage it. And then they started to leverage it and then compliance came back and said, oh, but you can’t leverage it like that. Yep. So a lot of people just threw up their hands and said, you know what, I’m not gonna do this at all.
And, and then what of course happened is that five years into it they’ll come, oh, oh, I missed, gotta do this. I gotta do this.
John Pojeta: You know? Yeah. Those that fought through those struggles upfront and didn’t give up, it paid a lot of dividends for sure. Yeah, absolutely. So if I’m an advisor listening in and maybe I’m.
Maybe I’m more on the front end of brand building. So I may work for a, a broker dealer, like an Ameritas or something like that. And that’s kind of the name I’ve hung my shingle on. Maybe I’ve branded my office. Maybe I haven’t just talk me through a little bit of that starting realm. So an advisor that’s starting to try and figure that out.
How do you start a conversation with them and how do you kind of get them through some of those initial starting points and things to think about.
Bruce Johnston: Well, most of them, I mean, we start with, let’s talk about your clients. Let’s talk about your ideal client. Who do you work best with and what kind of messaging are those folks looking for?
So, you know, we, we work a lot as you do John on the retirement side. So what’s the messaging that you want to deliver to your you know, HR Representatives, you know, the HR executives and the firms, the benefits people in the firm. Is it about employee wellness? It is, it is about employee benefits.
That’s a big thing right now. So we hone in on that and then we begin to build their brand accordingly. So we’ll go out and find content from the various you know, publications out there and begin to post. With, with some twists in their meaning that we put their voice into that content. Okay. So that they can build their brand.
You know, and then that may come in the form of an intro into an article or maybe come an info form of a question on an article, that type of thing. And then, and so that’s how we start out with the advisors. And then, then what happens is in some cases, not all cases, but they’ll be monitoring what we’re.
Which, which we welcome and those that don’t that’s okay. Because we give them a report on a monthly basis anyway, to show what we’ve done. But those that monitor, then they’ll give us some, some input and they’ll say, Hey, didn’t particularly care for that. Or didn’t like that, or this is the, we need to change this.
We need to change that. So it’s very free.
Jordan Johnston: And I think something that’s really important. What you talked about is the personalization. There’s so many platforms out there there’s so much content. That’s really cookie cutter that, you know, you and your neighbor have the same piece out there with the same intro, the same hashtags.
What we really focus on is the individualization for each advisor of, okay, this spin on this, you know, no one’s gonna have that same message, even if they’re in the same branch. You know, because it’s. Tailored to them specifically. So I think that’s something that’s a big value piece that a lot of advisors really you know, are looking for when, you know, they find someone like Two Dog social in what we really help with.
John Pojeta: Yeah. We, we, we add ourselves to a lot of drips from advisors in the field, seeing what kinds of information they’re pushing out. And we frequently see the same pieces of information come at us that has their name on it, their office, their. Our phone, otherwise it’s the exact same piece and yeah, there’s so
Jordan Johnston: much more to it than just changing your name and your logo.
Yeah. and I think that’s, you know, what we really pride ourselves on is, you know, helping them with branding.
John Pojeta: Absolutely. Yeah. So one of the things I know Bruce, you and I have talked a little bit about, about it over the years. There’s a handful of influencers. I like to follow people that I gain information from a marketing and a sales side and I guess what I find from that is, is one. I see some trends that I might not otherwise see, two, some of the things I’m thinking it helps me know that I’m not crazy. Meaning , I’m pretty sometimes, sometimes, sometimes I am sometimes. So Gary V is an example of that. I’m a big fan. John burrows is a good example that he’s more on the pure sales side.
Talk a little bit about maybe some of those influencers or, or people use steer. Your client tell and prospects too, to, to get some additional information to think about and, and ways to get them to change their mindset a little bit.
Bruce Johnston: Well, you know, like that’s interesting, you mentioned Gary V we, we watched Gary V.
Jordan watches, Gary V. In fact, she had a, a high school classmate that actually worked for Gary. Mm. In the early days I mean, Jordan, wasn’t, she there, like after six months that Gary V started her his business. So definitely. So we get the real insight from her on really going on, kinda really crazy or is just crazy.
Like, so, you know, that’s definitely one You know, and I have a tendency, John, to look at the industry and it’s not that we, every one of our clients is a financial advisor. We have a variety of other clients out there from different walks of life. But I’ll look at, I’ll look at Michael catches. He’s got some interesting stuff that he puts out with regards to social media And in the importance of social media, I’ll look at periodically plan advisor or, or one of those publications will have some research on social media that they put out.
I like those because it’s generally germane to the financial services industry. And it’s void of, we can’t do that. content or, or information that comes out. So I’m not, you know, I’m not a, you know, they’re gonna say like, okay, so I, I watch these guys like a Gary V religiously, because a lot of that we can’t.
Implement sure. To the financial services world, but it’s fun to watch them and, and see how they they’ll build their brand out there. Mm-hmm
Jordan Johnston: and I, I think with my generation, I’m always on, in Instagram, you know, TikTok as we talked about. So I follow just an, a range of people, you know, things from a Mel Robbins.
I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of her. You know, she’s more a mindset. So getting yourself, you know, for your business, you know, getting prepared for that, I follow a lot. Micro influencers as well. Just to see kind of what, you know, you see these big influencers and you wanna be like them, you wanna do what they’re doing, but sometimes the step in between there needs to be, you know, some space.
So I follow micro influencers anybody from like a direct sales, because you know, they’re following trends because their main, you know, focus focuses on social media. You know, we, I. I mean everything from, you know, mothers to business owners, to you know, all over the board, just to find kind of what’s going on, what the trends are.
And Bruce said, you know, some of these things we can’t implement, but when I watch them, I can always spin something to make things better. You know? So that’s kind of where I come in as like, okay, well, I’ve seen this, we can spin this to make this work for compliance, make this work you know, for our advisors or for our other, you know, clients. I’m kind of all over the book when it comes to, to following
John Pojeta: It’s good stuff. It’s good stuff. Mm-hmm one of the, and I don’t know if you there’s other resources you think about one of the things we think about I is obviously our services are more about cold introductions and there was a book put out a few years ago by Malcolm Gladwell called talking to strangers, and it really amplified some of the discomfort, awkwardness first date mentality that goes into.
Getting to know somebody and especially when our clients are more used to a referral or a center of influence introduction, we find upfront, they tend to struggle with what we do. Are there any other resources you point people to, or any other things that, that you look to I guess provide or help with support?
Bruce Johnston: We, you know, John, we don’t because gen generally what happens, not generally what happens is that people say, Hey, do this for us. Okay. okay. They, they really, you know, with, with financial advisors, I’ll go back to the point you made earlier. They’re looking for leads. They’re looking for new clients.
That’s where they’re focused. Okay. So they don’t wanna learn the ins and outs of social media market. And so we very rarely have that discussion. We have one client that goes deep and we did one thing with them, which I, it was kind of unique is that we started taking the LinkedIn posts and connecting those posts to their website.
That’s interesting. Okay. Which people say you shouldn’t do that because you’re taking the people off of LinkedIn onto the website. We don’t care because that it’s going from that client’s LinkedIn profile to that client’s link website. And what we saw was a spike. Okay. And then, and we experimented with this and then said, okay, let’s go for a week and not do that.
And we’re generally posting three, two to three times a week for a client that, you know, and then several more times on their LinkedIn page. So we would go a week without linking it. Boom. We saw the drop. And so it’s kind of interesting watching that stuff, but we, but we do that behind the scenes.
That’s my point is that yeah, no advisors are going, Hey man, I’m into, you know, the market’s up today, the market’s down today and I got two new clients that own a business and they’re bringing in X number of assets. That are hiring you to do what you do.
John Pojeta: yes, exactly.
Bruce Johnston: And, and you know, when we don’t, you know, and a lot of people say, well, tell us about how well you’re doing for your clients, how much new assets have, you know, what’s interesting.
And maybe you guys find the same thing. They don’t tell us when there’s a win. They tell us how, when there isn’t a win, hear that a lot. We need this, you know, and then we find out after the fact that, oh yeah, we forgot to tell you that we brought in three new accounts. Yeah.
John Pojeta: We have to sort of pull it out of our clients.
We have a, an every 90 day we have an ROI call with them to, to learn. Otherwise we’d never know. And we had one client and he was, he, he started out by trying to joke about this, but it was really the, the truth behind it. He was like, I didn’t wanna share, because I thought you’d raise my rates. Oh, we said, no, we,
Bruce Johnston: we wanna know you’re doing know we’re doing our job.
John Pojeta: Yeah. And we wanna be able to share the story without, you know yeah. The wins.
Bruce Johnston: Yeah. Well, and you know, to that point, I had somebody, few weeks ago, we were talking with interviewing and they said, well, I’m talking with this one company. And they tell me that they can assure me that I can get 15 leads per.
Yeah. How many leads can you get? And I. Well, we don’t advertise that. We’re gonna get you a bunch of leads. I said, but let me rethink this. And I, I was looking at the spreadsheet and I said, so we sent out 110 invitations for a client last month and they had 58 people except the invitation on LinkedIn.
That’s a pretty good percentage, you know? And so I said, now it’s up to you and maybe this is where you should bring in PT services to make a phone, call those 58 people to get you the meeting. You know, so that’s, you know, I mean, it’s, it’s kind of interesting and we point that out to folks and then we’ll go on your LinkedIn page.
We send out a hundred invitations and we had a 30%. LinkedIn will tell you anywhere from eight to 15% is a good acceptance rate for your invitations. And we’re, we’re traditionally 30%. And.
John Pojeta: Yeah. Well, and I think it goes back to what you were talking about, Jordan, with that, that patient side, it takes time. And then there’s also that element of, of ongoing engagement, but also providing those numbers, letting them know how they’re doing and, and what can come with that over time if they, if they stick to it. So, yeah. So before I let you guys go, I, I guess open floor, there are a couple other things you’d wanna make sure advisors hear about what you do and things we haven’t talked about where you’d say, Hey, obviously we’re gonna steer them back to you for a conversation. We’ll make sure they have all the ability to contact you when we post podcast. But what other couple of things would you like to make sure people know that we haven’t talked about?
Bruce Johnston: Well, I think John, and this is a real life example that happened to us in the last couple of months is advisors have clients.
Or opportunities where they could use our services as well. And so, like Jordan said earlier, you know, we deal with financial advisors, but we deal with, we deal with athletes. We, we, we write LinkedIn profiles for student athletes and we stay within the compliance of the NCAA. So we charge em okay.
For those services, we give ’em a student rate. However, we’ve worked with the STA and professional tennis tournaments. We’re now in the process of this opportunity came from a branch manager that I’d made a presentation in this branch. Two several years ago. And it was an opportunity to start working on a site that was gonna be a career development site for athletes that are in the Olympic sports at this particular university, so those that have played tennis volleyball, you know lacrosse, those kinds of things. And it became a we’re developing this as the resource. So the, the athlete comes there and they can download one of 24 documents to help them with their career path fee, you know? And so we have, we have another client that is in Israel, that is a in the film and it’s an augmented reality or, you know, artificial intelligence and they’ve just signed a contract with Netflix for their movie.
It’ll be released sometime this. So we work with them. And so some of these things have come from the financial advisors, having clients. So that’s, that’s how you gotta, you know, I think I wanna get people thinking along those lines as well with financial advisors, but boy, it’s the wild west. When you get outside of Compli, do anything we want and Jordan goes, Hey, can do that joking,
John Pojeta: Jordan, anything else you’d wanna throw, throw the audience where I let you go?
Jordan Johnston: I think that, that was pretty spot on what Bruce said is that we do work with an array of individuals and it’s a lot of fun. It’s, it’s great working with Bruce. You know, we’ve had a lot of fun over these last six years and I’m looking forward to continuing on together.
Bruce Johnston: So I, I, I guess John, couple of, couple of other examples that are crazy is that we worked with the company. That is a hedge, a hedging company, not a hedge fund, but a hedging company. So we knew more about the price of jet fuel for Southwest airlines than most people or what that aluminum costs for your Whitelaw, the white claw.
Yeah. And then we also worked with an energy company. That is heavily involved with the mining of Bitcoin. Mm-hmm ah, interesting. Yeah, so it’s kind of fun. Like we’re, we’re like you’re right in the middle of this and we’re watching, you know, the price of Bitcoin go down and going, geez, are we gonna have ’em as a client for long?
What should we do?
John Pojeta: Where is this gonna go? Yeah. What you. Yeah. We’ve had those where obviously our, our core is that financial insurance space, but we’ve had others reach out. We had a group out in New York city reach out and said, Hey, there’s a, a new regulation here around roofing. And what buildings are permitted to put out in terms of, of carbon.
And so they wanted to go through calling all these building managers and trying to get in the door to help them adjust and adapt. And so those are kind of fun though, too. They bring a different level of energy. And so it’s all
Bruce Johnston: good sense. Well, and I think John, you know, coming up, I put a I put a post app last week on LinkedIn, are you ready for this?
You know? And, and D C had that song back in the eighties, you know, are you ready for this? Yep. Well, are you ready for the new advertising rules that will be implemented November 4th. That are gonna allow you to use testimonials and do hypotheticals and those types of things, you know, and I know Satara is, is spending some time working with their advisors on that, but I haven’t heard a lot from the other firms, but this will hit November 4th.
Boom. And it’s gonna, are you ready for this? You know, cuz you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see financial advisors jump on it.
John Pojeta: Yeah. And, and I think almost like you talk about social media, you’ll see a few that jump on it and fight through it and you’ll see others that sort of play around with it and then wait for the dynamic to be built by somebody else and then come on board.
So it’s always interesting in that regard. Yeah, right. Jordan Bruce cam. Thank you enough. Greatly. Appreciate the time. As I mentioned, we’ll have all those resources for everybody to go to relative to the podcast for both of you contact information website ways to get in touch, have that first conversation and, and see if there’s a good fit for them.
Bruce Johnston: Thank you, John. We appreciate it.
John Pojeta: Thank you so much. Thanks so much, everybody really appreciate you joining the conversation with me, Bruce Jordan, and Two Dog social and feel free to reach out to Bruce or Jordan. All their contact information will be listed here at the podcast. They are terrific at that upfront conversation, helping you understand what it is they can do specifically for your circumstances, how they can help anything they can’t do, and really getting you into that doorstep of understanding the value and a partnership with them so you can determine what’s best for you and your practice. So please visit us at the All our prior episodes are there, let us know what you think. Please provide some comments and thoughts. Anybody you’d like me to reach out, to, to talk with in the future, keeping in mind, we really try and focus in on ways you can build your brand, grow your business, and acquire new clients and love to hear from you on any subject matter that you’d like me to engage with. So thanks so much and we’ll talk again soon. Take care now.