It was nearly 2,500 years ago when Greek philosopher Heraclitus proclaimed, “Change is the only constant in life.” Two and a half millennia later, his words still ring true.
Nowhere is that more apparent than in sales arena, where prospects are smarter and better equipped — thanks in large part to the Internet — to get what they want, when they want it. In response, we need to adapt to both the changing landscape and our prospects new perspectives.
Thanks to our MSP clients all over the country, we’ve gained some key insights into how the most successful salespeople in the industry are catering to today’s prospects. Despite living in an age when consumers aren’t interested in being sold to, top MSPs are striking into new territory and gaining new business.
Their tactics are straightforward. There are no gimmicks or hidden steps. However, there is a new standard for the quality of their execution. Here are their three primary techniques for marketing leaders in 2019.
(Related: Webinar – The 7 Deadly Mistakes MSP Salespeople Make)
Use high-quality marketing
They’re not leaving anything on the table. Classic marketing tools like direct mailers still play a role in 2019, but the industry leaders are adding a caveat to their marketing materials. Nothing goes out without standing out. There’s already plenty of noise across every channel — from social media to billboards. These pros are cutting through the noise with high-quality marketing campaigns.
Actively meet new prospects
Networking, industry events, partnerships, cold calling — love them or hate them, the best in the business are squeezing them for all they’re worth. Referrals still have their place, but that place is the backseat. They can come along for the ride, but they can’t choose the direction your business travels.
Serve clients with better technology
Top prospects want a top-notch client experience, and that expands all the way into your electronic presence. Establishing yourself as an industry leader on social media is a good start. If you’re feeling bold, you could even consider offering a mobile app for clients to plug in.
Though effective, implementing these practices in your own business may require significant strategic changes. In re-evaluating your marketing materials, you may need to make major investments. To begin with upping your networking and cold calling, you’ll need to pull time away from other activities, or bring in an outside team to help you schedule appointments. Revamping your social media presence or website may require you to connect with outside marketers and developers.
The effort is worth it, as we’ve seen the best in the business continue to grow year after year using these very techniques. If you’re already using any of these three techniques effectively, you already know exactly how beneficial they can be. Still, these steps aren’t something you can incorporate all at once or complete by tomorrow. To effectively implement these strategies, you’ll need to listen to what your clients want, and then draw up your own road-map.
Thank you, SmarterMSP for publishing this article.